The SPECTRA Reading Series, voted a top 10 reading series in the Midwest by LitBridge, returns to Rozz-Tox on Thursday, February 12th with an all local, all lovers event.
By local, we mean anyone in or around the greater Quad City area on Feb. 12 who has an original poem, song, story, soliloquy, bit, rant, performance art piece, etc. they are willing/burning to share with the one(s) they love & a loving audience at the enigmatic Rozz-Tox.
By lovers, we mean humans with any relationship with the idea/experience/emotion/harness that you might define as “love”, even if that relationship is love/hate. Have something poetic you want to share with your special lady? Want to sing a song about your love for your line-walking man? Have a hilarious & terrible Valentine’s Day story about love gone wrong? Then we have a stage & a microphone & a welcoming audience ready to love anyone with the courage get up & testify their “love” for the people.
If you would like to submit a poem/song/story/etc. in advance, email your submissions/proposals to mwc@midwestwritingcenter.org with the phrase “Local Lovers” in the subject line. If you’re more spontaneous, not to worry—there will be a sign-up sheet at the event, and performers will be summoned on a first come, first serve basis. Please note that all performers will be limited to one (1) poem/song/story/etc. & no more than 5 minutes of stage time per performance.
Please contact Ryan Collins at the Midwest Writing Center for more information about SPECTRA or any other MWC programs: (563) 324-1410 | mwc@midwestwritingcenter.org.
The 2015 season of SPECTRA manifests thanks to the generous support of the Illinois Arts Council Agency.