Crafting the Personal Essay Workshop Series, led by Misty Urban
What: Crafting the Personal Essay Workshop Series, led by Misty Urban
Where: Regular meetings will meet online via Zoom; 1-on-1 meetings TBD
When: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of September, October, and November (6 meetings total): Sept 8 and 22, Oct 6 and 20, Nov 3 and 17, 6-8 pm CST for each meeting
Cost: $220 for MWC Members, $250 for non-MWC Members. Scholarships available for veterans, students, and those will a financial need; contact MWC for more info on scholarships
Contact: Sarah Elgatian, Program & Marketing Specialist:
sarah.elgatian@mwcqc.org | 309-732-7330
You’ve got a great story to tell – but how do you make that story resonate with readers? The answer is a blend of narrative craft and individual voice. You bring the voice, and we’ll talk craft in this six-week workshop that analyzes the structures and techniques that turn your memorable experiences into something a reader experiences, too. By discussing a variety of examples and sharing work of our own, this workshop will help you build and polish a successful essay that you can pitch for publication. Open to writers of all levels of experience.

Misty Urban is the creative nonfiction editor of New Flash Fiction Review and editor of MWC Press’s forthcoming anthology These Interesting Times: Surviving 2020 in the Quad Cities. Her personal writing has been nominated for Pushcart and Best of the Net Awards and has appeared in 3Elements Review, River Teeth, Sad Girls Club, PAST TEN, Cleaver Magazine, and My Caesarean (The Experiment, 2019).
Visit the webpage for online registration using PayPal:
This workshop is made possible thanks to the support of the Illinois Arts Council Agency