What: Salvatore Marici Poetry Reading (10/12) and Workshop (10/22)
Where: Rock Island Public Library (410 19th St., Rock Island, IL), Community Room, 2nd Floor
When: Poetry Reading: Wednesday, October 12, 12:00 p.m.
Workshop: Saturday, October 22, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost for Workshop: $15 for MWC Members, $20 for non-MWC Members — register today using the PayPal link below. Space is limited.
Contact: Ryan Collins: ryan.collins@mwcqc.org | 309-732-7330
Midwest Writing Center is excited to welcome poet Salvatore Marici to MWC for a pair of events this October. First, Marici will give a poetry reading from his new book, Sneezing Coyotes and his previous books (all published by Ice Cube Press) as part of our Brown Bag Series on Wednesday, October 12 at 12:00 p.m. As Marici puts it, “Experience a full range of senses while taking a geographical and spiritual journey that spans through space and time. Come, hop on a connective thread that will weave through the surreal with the earthly.” The reading is free and open to the public.
Then, on Saturday, October 22, Marici will be leading a workshop called “Balancing Tension” — here’s the description: “In life there is yin and yang. Like life, art needs tension to keep the audience’s interest. You will learn to create an ebb and flow of tension by being logical & mystical. You will write a poem or a prose or a grocery list having cake compete with celery. Come make mischief, inflict tension.” Seating will for the workshop will be limited, and the cost for the workshop will be $15 for MWC Members, $20 for non-MWC Members. You can register here:
Both the reading and the workshop will be held in the Community Room of the Rock Island Public Library. Please contact Ryan Collins at MWC with questions: Ryan Collins: ryan.collins@mwcqc.org | 309-732-7330

Author Bio: Salvatore Marici’s latest collection of poetry is Sneezing Coyotes (Ice Cube Press, 2022). He also has one chapbook and two other full poetry collections. He was the 2010 Midwest Writing Center (MWC) Poet in Resident, has judged poetry contests, placed in poetry contests, teaches, and attends workshops that teach the craft of poetry. He was the contest director for the MWC Great River Writers Retreat. His poetry has appeared in Toasted Cheese, Spillway, Prairie Gold: An Anthology of the American Heartland, Of Burgers & Barrooms: a Main Street Rag anthology, Poetry Quarterly, and many more. Marici served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala as a natural resources specialist and he is a civil servant retiree/agronomist. In Southwest Florida, he is learning to maneuver a 17-foot kayak. During the summer he grows garlic in Western Illinois. Keep up with his events on Facebook.

This workshop is made possible thanks to the support of the Illinois Arts Council Agency