Announcing the Results of the 2022 Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series
Thanks to all the terrific poets and writers who shared their manuscripts with us for the Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series. We are grateful for everyone who gave us the opportunity to read and consider their work. The excellence and range of the submissions made for a difficult task in selecting a manuscript and a thrilling reading experience.
In the end, one manuscript was selected for publication. Below are the complete results, including the finalists:
Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series Selection:
My National Parks – Jacob Boyd
The Water’s Daugther – KayLee Chie Kuehl
The Darker Roads – David Wright
We are planning to release the selected chapbook in the spring of 2024. Submissions for the Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series are currently open through December 31, 2023.
Thanks so much again to everyone who submitted their work to the Series—we will be sending everyone a copy of the book when it is published next year. We’re grateful for the opportunity to have read your work, and we wish you all the best in placing your manuscripts elsewhere.
**For those in the Quad Cities area, join us on Friday, Oct. 6 for a special SPECTRA Reading Series event at Rozz-Tox (2108 3rd Ave. Rock Island, IL) where we’ll be releasing our next title in the Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series: For a Second, In the Dark by Alec Hershman**

Bio for Jacob Boyd:

Jacob Boyd’s work can also be found in Blackbird, Cutleaf, diode poetry journal, Iron Horse Literary Review, On the Seawall, and more. His chapbook, Stilt House, was selected by Heather McHugh for Emrys Press. He’s from Lansing, Michigan, and currently works for the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire.
The Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series is supported by the MWC Legacy Society, the estates of Mary Foster and Richard “Dick” Stahl, the Scott County Regional Authority, and the Illinois Arts Council Agency.