Community Conversations #2 – featuring Devin Hansen, author of “Guts: The Lane Evans Story”
This event will feature author Devin Hansen, who spent more than 10 years working on a biography about long-time US Rep. Lane Evans. The book — “Guts: The Lane Evans Story” — was recently published by Strong Arm Press, and Hansen will lead a conversation about Evans, his legacy (locally and regionally), and will use the book, and Evans’ career, as prisms to consider the sea changes in political life over the last 2-3 decades, from the local to the national, looking ahead to the 2020 election coming in almost exactly a year.
Panelists will include:
-James Larrabee, Political Science Professor at Black Hawk College
-Jim Mertens, Journalist and TV personality
-Dora Villareal, Rock Island County State’s Attorney
Rock Island Public Library – Downtown Branch (401 19th St.) Community Room, 2nd Floor
Doors – 5:30 p.m.
Event – 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Q & A – 7:00-7:30 p.m.
Copies of the books will be available to purchase. Event is free & open to the public.
Bio: Devin Hansen is a former journalist and author of two books, including “Guts: The Lane Evans Story” (Strong Arm Press, 2019) and “Sponsored By…” with the help of the Midwest Writing Center. Devin studied writing at Illinois State University. His fiction has appeared in several small press magazines, and he has had two plays professionally produced. His personal blog is inhumanimal.com.
These events is made possible in part thanks to the generous support of the Illinois Arts Council Agency.