Young Emerging Writers Summer Internship Program 2021 — Grant Announcement! Application Deadline Extended to May 29!
MWC is thrilled to announce that we have received a $15,000 grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency to support the 2021 Young Emerging Writers Programs! We could not be more happy and more grateful for this major support for one of our flagship programs–many thanks to the IACA!!
To celebrate this honor, we are going to keep the application window for the YEW Summer Internship Program until Friday, May 29!!
For young people in the Quad Cities who are passionate about writing and creative expression, the Midwest Writing Center offers the innovative Young Emerging Writers (YEW) Summer Internship Program. This selective seven-week program will be held Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from June 7 through July 21, 2021.
**Information on YEW Meeting Format**
As with our annual Writers’ Conference, our plan for YEW 2021 is to once again hold meetings virtually.
As we did last summer, we will meet in private meetings online via Zoom. We are still planning to have public virtual events, and are working on scheduling some special guests and visiting writers to use this format to our greatest advantage and to help our interns develop creatively and professionally together.
If you are interested in applying, but have concerns about internet or computer access, please contact us—we will work with all of our interns to make sure they have what they need to participate, and a lack of computer or consistent internet access are not required to apply.
Download the 2021 YEW Summer Internship Application below:
MS Word version – 2021 YEW Application
PDF Version – 2021 YEW Application
YEW is for talented graduating and continuing high school students, ages 15-19, interested in creating and publishing works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and other forms. Below are the dates for 2021:
YEW 2021 – Meeting Dates
(all regular meetings are Mon.-Wed., 5-7:30 p.m. via private Zoom meeting)
Week 1: June 7-9
Week 2: June 14-16
Week 3:June 21-23 (DRC Conference June 24-26)
Week 4: June 28-30
Week 5: July 6-7
Week 6: July 12-14
Week 7: July 19-21
Virtual Public Reading
Thurs., July 22 (more info TBA)
THE ATLAS 16 Virtual Release Party
Thurs., August 19 (more info TBA)
For more information about the YEW program, including the YEW Teaching Artist Training Program, please visit the YEW page or contact Ryan Collins: mwc@midwestwritingcenter.org | (309) 732-7330
Funding support for the 2021 Young Emerging Writers Summer Internship Program generously provided by Regional Development Authority; Scott County Regional Authority; Illinois Humanities; Modern Woodmen of America; the Melvin McKay Charitable Trust; the CD Wiman Memorial; the Rausch Family Foundation I; the Moline Foundation; the Figge Art Museum; Rozz-Tox; and the Illinois Arts Council Agency through federal funds provided by the National Endowment for the Arts.