Announcing the Results of the 2020 Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series

Thank you to all the terrific poets and writers who shared their manuscripts with us for the first year of the Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series. We are grateful for everyone who gave us the opportunity to read and consider their work. The range, variety, and excellence of the submissions made them thrilling to read, and provided the series editors with an extremely difficult task in selecting a manuscript.
In the end, two manuscripts were selected for publication: one manuscript for the Series, and a second manuscript selected for publication as an Editor’s Choice. Below are the complete results, include finalists and semi-finalists:
Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series Selection:
Field Notes Recovered from the Expedition to Devil’s Peak by Laura A. Ring
MWC Press Editor’s Choice Selection
(will be published by MWC Press):
Choir by Aubrey Jane Ryan
Wish I Was Here by Hannah Blaser
City of Honesty by Freesia McKee
It is Good. It is Written. by Aubrey Barnes
Let It Burn by Audra Kerr Brown
We are planning to release both of the selected chapbooks in the fall of 2021. Submission will open for the Foster-Stahl Chapbook Series again on September 1, 2021.
Thanks to everyone who submitted their work to the Series again. We’re grateful for the opportunity to have read your work, and we wish you all the best in placing your manuscripts elsewhere.
Thanks again, all the best, and take care…
MWC Press / Series Editors
Bio for Laura Ring

Laura Ring is a poet, short story writer, anthropologist, and librarian. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in RHINO, Stirring, Rogue Agent, Dream Pop, and Okay Donkey, among other places. Laura holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Chicago, where she serves as the Librarian in charge of the Southern Asia and Anthropology collections. Her ethnography Zenana: Everyday Peace in a Karachi Apartment Building was published by Indiana University Press.
Bio for Aubrey Jane Ryan

Aubrey Ryan is the author of Good Beast, winner of the Phantom Books Breitling Chapbook Prize. Her work has appeared in Best New Poets, Pinwheel, Anti-, Matter, Hobart, Booth, New Madrid, El Aleph, Quarterly West, DIAGRAM, The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, and elsewhere. Her poems have been featured on broadsides by Joseph Lappie and Team Nerd Letterpress. Aubrey is the winner of the Booth Poetry Prize and has been three times nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She lives in Iowa with her husband, two sons, a cat, and a garden.
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