Iron Pen 2021 Start Friday, February 26 at 5pm CST — Sign Up Today!
The Midwest Writing Center is taking registrations for its 13th annual Iron Pen Contest. MWC will supply a prompt to all contestants at 5 p.m. on Friday, February 26th and contestants have 24 hours (entries are due Saturday, February 27th by 5 p.m.) to write and submit their best fiction, non-fiction, and/or poetry pieces. Writers are welcome to enter into as many categories as they like with a paid registration for each entry.
The cost to enter the Iron Pen contest is $10 per entry, per category. Anyone can enter! Contestants do not need to be from or reside in the Quad City area. Contestant entries will be judged blind in genre categories—Poetry, Fiction and Non-Fiction (please note there is a 2,000 word limit for fiction and nonfiction entries). The Iron Pen contest is open to all ages.
Register online here, or use the registration forms linked below, or give us a call at 309-732-7330.
Iron Pen 2021 Registration Form (jpeg)
Iron Pen 2021 Registration Form (pdf)
**Everyone that participates in the 2021 Iron Pen Contest will have a chance to win a paid-in-full tuition with a value of $300 for the 2020 David R. Collins Writing Conference in June 24-26, 2021 at St. Ambrose University.**
BESPOKE POEMS QC: Last Day to Order a Poem is February 28
MWC is partnering with some of the best poets and writers in the community to offer bespoke poems, written for anyone you’d like to gift a poem. By participating in this limited-time program, you’re not only giving unique poems to people you care about, but you’re also supporting local writers and writing/literacy programs in the Quad Cities.
We’re taking orders through the month of February, but the last day to order poems to receive them before Valentine’s Day is Monday, February 8.
Please visit the Bespoke Poems QC page on our website to place your order today!