YEW Tuesday Night Write-Ins Resume starting in February

We are excited to kick off the 20th anniversary of the Young Emerging Writers Program starting in February, when the Tuesday night Write-Ins return:

-online the 2nd Tuesday of the month (starting Feb. 4)

-in-person meetings at MWC will be on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (starting Feb. 11).

There is no meeting at MWC on Tuesday, January 21 – stay warm & we will see you next month. Thanks!

Call For Submissions on the Theme of RADICAL HOSPITALITY — Paid Opportunity!

St. Ambrose University College of Arts and Sciences, Galvin Fine Arts, and the Midwest Writing Center (MWC) are partnering on a series of events and a publication around the theme of Radical Hospitality. This theme calls people to “welcome the stranger” and to extend “an expansive and committed welcome to all regardless of background, beliefs, or circumstances, and particularly to those who face barriers to belonging. More than politeness, radical hospitality calls for a generous sharing of time, resources, and life together” (more on the theme below).

For this project, we are looking for submissions of poetry (30 lines max.) and flash prose (fiction or nonfiction, 500 words max.). Submission open October 1, and close on December 15 (see complete guidelines below). MWC will select the strongest 20-30 works for publication in an anthology, to be published by MWC Press in April 2024. All contributors to the anthology will receive $100 to their work in addition to two copies of the anthology, and the opportunity to record their work for a podcast. Selections will be announced in early January 2024.