One of the best readings of the year in the QC is coming this Thursday, Aug. 19 at 6:30pm CST, as we celebrate the release of THE ATLAS literary magazine, produced annually by the Young Emerging Writers. Event will be outside of Rozz-Tox (masks required for entry to use the facilities). Copies of the new issue will be available for $10, $5 for back issues. You can also pre-order copies of THE ATLAS 16 via our online bookstore.

We are thrilled this event is part of Alternating Currents Festival & to have some light shine on the terrific writing talent we have in the QC. Event will start off with music from YEW staff & interns & the readings will be followed by Memorywerks Musik (the great Dennis Hockaday). Excellent food & drinks available all night c/o the Rozz-Tox team.
Event is free & open, donations appreciated & support youth education programs at MWC. Always a special night, this one promises to be even more so. Join us…
Our most sincere thanks to our sponsors/grantors for their generous support of the 2021 Young Emerging Writers Internship Program and The Atlas 16: the Illinois Arts Council Agency, the Regional Development Authority, Modern Woodmen of America, the Poetry Foundation, the Quad City Community Foundation, and Rozz-Tox.
#theatlas16 #mwcqc #WriteMoreLight #AlternatingCurrentsQC #rozztox #youngemergingwriters #yewcrew #festival #quadcities