Founded and incorporated over 35 years ago by local authors, Midwest Writing Center (MWC) is the only non-profit organization in the Quad Cities devoted to the literary arts. We serve writers and readers of all ages, backgrounds, and experience through a wide range of programs and opportunities, aimed at entertaining, informing, and educating—helping writers develop their craft and readers find new voices in their community and beyond.
Participation in this survey is voluntary and will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Your individual responses are anonymous and confidential. Name and contact information will be taken only if you opt to be entered for the random drawing for Amazon gift cards.
Surveys should be completed by December 8, 2017. If you have questions or need assistance in filling out the survey, please contact Ryan Collins at the Midwest Writing Center at (309) 732-7330 or via email at
We know your time is valuable and we appreciate your participation.
Ryan Collins, Executive Director, Midwest Writing Center
Russell Medley, Community and Economic Development Educator, University of Illinois Extension
Link to survey: