What: Introduction to Writing Short Stories Workshop, led by Tom McKay
When: Saturday, April 20, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Where: Midwest Writing Center (401 19th St. Rock Island, IL, ground floor of the Rock Island Public Library Downtown Branch)
Cost: $5 suggested donation/free
Hampton author Tom McKay is presenting an “Introduction to Writing Short Stories” workshop at the Midwest Writing Center on Saturday, April 20th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. This workshop is open to everyone from first-time short story writer to writers who have been writing stories for years and are looking for some fresh inspiration.
The first hour of the program will include instruction, discussion, and exercises designed to refine writing skills and sharpen story telling techniques. The workshop will examine characters, setting, and plot as elements of a story and address description, action, and dialogue as three tools in writing a story.
The second half of the session will offer an opportunity to polish story ideas and stories in progress from participants. Attendees are invited to bring their own stories and story ideas for group and individual critique.
Instructor Bio: Tom McKay has had numerous short stories published in journals and magazines including the Wapsipinicon Almanac, Vermont Ink, Downstate Story, Hyper Text, Karawane, the Out Loud Anthology series of the Midwest Writing Center, and So It Goes, the literary journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library. His book Junk to Think About: Short & Shorter Stories recently appeared from River Lights Publishing.
This workshop is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Regional Development Authority and the Illinois Arts Council Agency.