Inside Pushing Out – Creativity Workshop
Instructor: Terry Giglio Voss, M.Ed
Thursday, May 9 – 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
There are many ways to increase your creativity, and bring it out when you really need it such as if you have writer’s block, and are facing a blank canvas or paper. This workshop will guide you through a series of exercises designed to help you discover the wealth of creativity you already possess and provide the skills to maintain it.
During this workshop, you will:
explore your potential;
increase your imagination;
nurture your own creativity; and
gain skills to access your creativity.
The workshop will be led Terry Giglio Voss. Terry Giglio Voss has an M.Ed in special education and an undergraduate degree in fine art, dance and education. She was raised in Maine by her father an artist, wood worker and musician. Her mother wrote stories, and read classic literature and poetry to her children. From her mother’s example, she became an avid reader with an interest in literature and writing. She moved to New Mexico where she lived amongst Santa Fe multicultural world of artists, musicians, writers, and creative souls, and she was fortunate to experience this creativity workshop that she has develop through her love of cognitive development, adult education and neuroscience. As a teacher, college instructor and leader in education, she presented workshops and conferences. Recently, she lived in Germany for ten years where she worked as a parent educator, traveled Europe, and visited art museums and concert halls.
The workshop will be held on May 9, 2019 from 12 noon to 1:30 pm. Spaces are limited to 6 participants, so register early by sending an email to mwc@midwestwritingcenter.org.
This workshop is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Regional Development Authority and the Illinois Arts Council Agency.