Don’t Write for Free, Write for Profit!
Instructor: John Peragine
Saturday, March 18, 2-4pm
Midwest Writing Center (RIPL, 401 19th St. Rock Island, IL 61201)
Cost: $15 MWC Members, $20 for non-MWC Members

Have you ever dreamed of seeing your byline in your favorite magazine or newspaper? Do you want to get paid for your writing rather than write the same tired blog? Increase your chances by learning how to write knock out query letters, and learn the tricks to getting noticed.

John Peragine, a veteran journalist and author, will teach you techniques and tools for

  • Finding your niche and dominating it
  • Creating a query that will attract an editor’s attention
  • Connecting to the right editor and making a connection
  • Learn how to research publications in order to align your pitch and article
  • The Do’s and Don’ts in communicating with editors
  • How to create an outline of your article
  • Learn how to price your services and express your value to clients

The class will have some opportunities to write and practice, so bring pen and paper. This class is for freelance writers who wish to learn ways to get their articles published by the top magazines and newspapers. No prior experience is necessary, only a desire to learn and grow your income and opportunities. Space is limited so sign up early.

To register, you can use the PayPal below; call Ryan at 309-732-7330 to pay over the phone; or send a check with a note to Midwest Writing Center, c/o RIPL, 401 19th St., Rock Island, IL, 61201.



John Peragine is a published author of 12 books, has ghostwritten over 100 others. John is contributor for Huffington Post, Reuters, and the Today Show. He covered the John Edwards trial exclusively for Bloomberg News and The New York Times. He was a columnist in 2015-2016 in Speaker Magazine, the official magazine of the National Speakers Association. He has written for WineMaker magazine, Writer’s Digest, and the Herb Companion.

John has been writing professionally since 2007, after working 13 years in Social Work and was a professional musician in the Western Piedmont Symphony as their piccolo player for over 25 years. He has been providing services through the National Speakers Association  and the Global Speakers Federation since 2013. John is a member of the National Writer’s Union. (UAW-Local 1981), and American Society of Journalists and Authors.

John lives with his wife and two children on the beautiful Mississippi River in Davenport, Iowa.


This workshop is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Regional Development Authority and the Illinois Arts Council Agency.