Make Two Unlike Things Shimmer Together – Poetry Workshop
Instructor: Salvatore Marici
When: Saturday, October 7, 2-4:30 pm
Where: Midwest Writing Center (RIPL, 401 19th St. Rock Island, IL 61201)
Cost: $10 for MWC members // $15 for non-members // FREE for high school/college students!
Salvatore Marici, author of the new poetry collection Fermentations (Ice Cube Press), will lead a poetry workshop on October 7. Thanks to the support of Regional Development Authority, we are able to offer this workshop at a discount to the community, and free to high school & college students! Here’s a complete description:
Poet Kim Addonizio says metaphors create an energy field as “the shimmer.” Good metaphors show fresh comparisons, a tool for an author to show his/her experiences to readers. In this workshop, participants will learn to see how two things on the surface may not seem alike have a common interest. We will look at different types of metaphors (those that are one line and those spread throughout a poem and prose), get direction to craft a metaphor, write metaphors and most importantly share.
To register, you can use the PayPal link below; or, call Ryan Collins at 309-732-7330 to pay over the phone; or send a check with a note to Midwest Writing Center, c/o RIPL, 401 19th St., Rock Island, IL, 61201.

Salvatore Marici is the author of the chapbook Mortals, Nature, and their Spirits and a poetry collection entitled Swish Swirl & Sniff. He was the Midwest Writing Center’s 2010 Poet-in-Resident. His poetry has appeared in Toasted Cheese, Descant (Canadian publication), Spillway, Prairie Gold: An Anthology of the American Heartland, Earth’s Daughter and many others journals, magazines, and anthologies. In addition, both the Lee County Alliance for the Arts and the Midwest Writing Center have published broadsides of his poems. He has won several poetry contests, judged poetry contests, and taught poetry workshops. Marici served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala and is a civil servant retiree as an agronomist.
This workshop is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Regional Development Authority and the Illinois Arts Council Agency.