Wordsy Woman Author Services – Jodie Toohey

Contact Information
email – jodie@wordsywoman.com
Website: www.wordsywomanforauthors.com

Madwriters – Misty Urban

Contact information:
email: misty@madwriters.net or misty@mistyurban.net
Editing services: http://www.madwriters.net
     Author website: http://www.mistyurban.net


Misty Urban holds an MFA in fiction and a Ph.D. in medieval literature from Cornell University. She is an experienced teacher of composition, literature, and creative writing and a former assistant professor of English at Lewis-Clark State College. Currently she is an English instructor and Coordinator of the Writing Center at Muscatine Community College. Her published works in fiction include several award-winning short stories and the collection _A Lesson in Manners_, which won the 2014 Serena McDonald Kennedy Award and was published by Snake Nation Press. Her creative nonfiction includes essays on motherhood and writing featured in _Literary Mama_ and elsewhere. Her medieval scholarship includes several articles on medieval romance, teaching medieval literature, reference volumes on the history of Europe and world writers to 1300, and a co-edited volume of essay on the medieval fairy Melusine. Her book _Monstrous Women in Medieval Romance_ won the D. Simon Evans Dissertation Prize for Medieval Studies and was published in 2010 by Edwin Mellen Press. She is currently at work on a historical novel.

Misty has been facilitating writing groups and workshops since she first established Madwriters as the Madison Writers Workshop in 1999 and is currently vice-president of the Muscatine Writers on the Avenue. She served as the nonfiction editor of The Southeast Review while at Florida State University and as an editor for Forword, a publication of the Cornell University Women’s Resource Center. For classroom visits and guest speaking appearances she likes to combine readings with creative exercises, discussion, and short workshops on craft, but she is quite able to adapt these workshops to audience preference. Her past editing and consulting projects have included manuscripts in the hard and soft sciences, medical narratives, memoir, and professional writing. She offers project feedback and services ranging from proof-reading and editing to manuscript evaluation and coaching. Rates vary by project, so please contact her via e-mail for a free consultation. Writing is mad, messy, joyous, and painful, but no one has to do it entirely alone!

Data and Lore, LLC offers writing and editing services for your web site, podcast, ad space, trade paper, YouTube channel, book manuscript, etc. Tell us your story – we’ll help you tell the world.

Point of Contact is M Hanson at mnh@dataandlore.com.

Web site: http://dataandlore.com

Phone: (563) 265-1367

Teresa LaBella of TRLB Consulting and Writing Services

Email: teresa@trlbconsulting.com
Phone: (563) 275-6744

Consultant specializing in guiding non-profit board members and volunteers through strategic plan, fund development plan and marketing plan goals, objectives and outcomes; coach, trainer and motivational speaker specializing in customer service, grant research and writing and effective storytelling for case statements and presentations. Writing services include website content, blogs, newsletters and annual reports; appeal letters and campaigns; grant writing; product and service promotion announcements and updates to new and existing donors, customers, clients and the media; freelance feature writing and company profiles.

LaBella Designs( www.labelladesigns.net) as part of our comprehensive support for authors we will arrange for your manuscript to be edited. We offer all four levels of editing

1) Big-Picture Edit – Also called developmental, structural or substantive editing (where we look at the structure and content of your manuscript).

2) Paragraph-Level Edit  – Also called stylistic or line editing (where we will edit for clarity and to maintain the author’s voice).

3) Sentence-Level Edit – Also called copyediting (where we will edit for consistency, grammar and usage issues)

4) Word-Level Edit – Also called proofreading (where we will addresses typos, repeated words (the the), spelling, punctuation and formatting issues (how things look on a page) as they occur in your book’s final environment. So, if you’re publishing an eBook, your editor will look at your book on an e-reader, or in an e-reading app to see how it looks and operates.

If your book will be printed, your editor will proofread a PDF. Proofreading is the last pair of eyes on your book before it goes live: it’s the last chance to catch an error before a reader finds it and points it out.

Contact John @ (563) 223 – 8586